Engaging the Future Workforce.

The Attainable Futures Program addresses work readiness for area high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors, assisting them in career paths, job application to resume building, business etiquette, interview techniques, typical job expectations, networking with business professionals etc. Pre-Covid, students were provided with transportation to various businesses for four half-day sessions. During Covid, we shifted the educational component of this program to Google Classroom and realized a spike of interest due to creative content and ease of availability. Chamber630 Members graciously videotaped their various lessons and registered students were provided access on their own schedule.

The Foundation serves students through eleven communities on a variety of work-ready programs, and also offers an annual scholarship for those furthering their education and through collaboration may manage scholarships on behalf of a separate business.

Additionally, the Foundation connects with the area school districts to position business people in the classroom for a variety of activities and engagements.

To further advance the mission and nurture the importance of community engagement, the Young Professionals of Chamber630 host a Community Leadership component at every monthly meeting, providing basic needs for a variety of non-profit organizations.

Through a combination of programs, scholarships and community leadership, the Foundation has used its role to carve out a unique position at the complex intersection point of workforce development, education and economic development.

There is no charge to students for this program; it is solely supported by businesses.

If you’d like to views the videos provided to the students, please click here.

If you are interested in donating to this important program, please click here.