Attainable Futures Program Receives National Award

Community High School District 99 and 630 Workforce Education Foundation (630WEF) is proud to announce that their Attainable Futures Program has received a Golden Achievement Merit Award by National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA). This prestigious, national award “recognizes outstanding, strategic work in all aspects of school public relations, communication, marketing and engagement,” according to NSPRA. Winners are selected based on research and planning components of the program, implementation of strategies and activities, and evaluation in measuring program success. The winners were recognized at the 2022 Communications Contest Workshop & Awards Luncheon on September 9, 2022.


An affiliate of Chamber630, the 630WEF hosts the Attainable Futures Program that provides students with the information, skills, and confidence they need to enter and succeed in the workforce. Chamber630 businesses volunteer to assist students in exploring career paths, learning business etiquette, networking, interview, and communication skills, completing resumes and more. The program aligns with District 99’s Strategic Plan, specifically: Increased Student Engagement in Post-Secondary Planning.


Pre-Covid, students were provided with transportation to various businesses for four half-day sessions. During Covid, they pivoted to Google Classroom, as Chamber630 Members videotaped their lessons for students to engage with online. The program anticipates a hybrid format for the 2023 spring semester, combining the ease and flexibility of online learning, with the excitement and connection of in-person activities. 630 WEF also offers an annual scholarship for students furthering their education at a technical/trade school or a college/university.


Chamber630 president & CEO, Laura Crawford said, “A common message I hear from 630 Members is about the lack of preparedness of the incoming workforce. This program directly addresses that concern as the students are essentially being ‘trained’ by business professionals in a fun and easy atmosphere. The students also connect with some of those professionals after completing the program by way of internships and job shadowing. This program is a win-win for our communities.”


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